Engineers at UBC get under the skin of ionic skin
In the quest to build smart skin that mimics the sensing capabilities of natural skin, ionic skins have shown significant advantages.
UBC strengthens track record as global sustainability leader in higher education
The University of British Columbia has once again been ranked as a global leader in sustainability efforts.
UBC team discovers ‘silver bullet’ to keep medical devices free of bacteria
University of British Columbia researchers have found a ‘silver bullet’ to kill bacteria and keep them from infecting patients who have medical devices implanted.
Canada needs Indigenous-led fire stewardship, new research finds
As a new wildfire season approaches, many Canadians are reflecting on the devastating losses of last season, and considering what they can do to protect themselves and the places where they live.
UBC releases Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence Task Force report
The report contains 54 recommendations to address systemic racism against Indigenous, Black and People of Colour (IBPOC) within the UBC community and to promote inclusive excellence across UBC’s two campuses.
UBC spin-off companies win $2 million in competition for carbon removal technology funded by the Musk Foundation
UBC spin-off Carbin Minerals will receive $1 million from XPRIZE and the Musk Foundation to remove thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Health research overlooks important differences between sexes
You might be surprised to learn how rarely health research accounts for the fact that male and female bodies are different.
Expect to see more squid and less sockeye salmon on “climate changed” menus
Vancouver seafood lovers may see more Humboldt squid but less sockeye salmon on restaurant menus in the near future due to climate change.
New toolkit helps tackle climate anxiety
UBC nursing student Natania Abebe and nursing lecturer Raluca Radu, who teaches a course on the health impacts of climate change, share strategies for dealing with climate anxiety