UBC experts on sustainable gift giving
UBC experts are available to comment on topics related to sustainable gift giving and consumerism.
Dr. Kai Chan (he/him)
Professor, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability and the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
Email: kaichan@ires.ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Environmental impacts of products, values and the broader social context for consumption (norms, notions of a good life, etc.)
Dr. Amy Hanser (she/her)
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Email: hanser@mail.ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Consumerism, shopping culture and rituals and sustainable shopping
*Available before 12pm on December 10th, after 11am on December 13th
Dr. Dave Hardisty (he/him/they/them)
Associate Professor and Chair, Marketing and Behavioural Science, Sauder School of Business
Tel: 604-655-1465
Interview language(s): English
- “Green” holidays, circular economy, sustainable gift giving, alternative gift ideas and consumer behaviour
Dr. Emily Huddart Kennedy (she/her)
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Tel: 604-790-7942
Email: emily.kennedy@ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English, some Spanish
- Sustainable consumption, circular economy, environmental values
*Available before 11:30am on December 10th and from 9:30am to 11:30am on December 13th
Douglas Justice (he/him)
Associate Director, UBC Botanical Garden
Email: douglas.justice@ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Plant gifts, propagation
*Available after 10am on December 13th
Dr. U. Rashid Sumaila (he/him)
University Killam Professor, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, and School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
Tel: 604-351-7406
Email: r.sumaila@oceans.ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English, Hausa, Norwegian
- Thoughtful consumption, optimal plastic consumption and use
Dr. Kate White (she/her)
Senior Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; Professor, Marketing and Behavioural Science, Sauder School of Business
Email: Katherine.White@sauder.ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Sustainable consumer behaviour, “green” holiday giving, circular economy, holiday shopping behaviour, holiday-related waste, gift-giving and charitable giving
*Available after 2pm on December 10th, after 3pm on December 13th
Dr. Jiaying Zhao (she/her)
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, and Canada Research Chair in Behavioural Sustainability
Tel: 609-865-4765
Email: jiayingz@psych.ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English, Mandarin
- Sustainable consumption, plastic pollution and climate friendly choices