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A tendency to leak: staff at MOA ensure safety of artifacts amid heavy rains

CBC published an article about the Museum of Anthropology at UBC. The building leaks water after heavy rain and staff have strategies to protect artifacts.

After 14 years, Middle River celebrates official end to boil water advisory

CBC mentioned UBC’s RES’EAU-WaterNET team who, with the local community and Indigenous Services Canada, developed a water treatment plant to bring safe drinking water to northern B.C. residents.

To feed the world amid climate change, we need a better way to grow rice

CBC spoke to Laura Vang Rasmussen, who studies crop intensification strategies at UBC, in an article about growing rice. Agricultural intensification “should free up space and reduce deforestation, but it […]

Is video game addiction real? Former players, statistics say yes

A number of media outlets mentioned Justin Mackey, a computer science student at UBC and a member of the UBC eSports Association, in an article about addiction to eSports. The article appeared in the […]

Can the Big Bash League’s backyard cricket bat flip truly be fair?

An article in The Conversation mentioned a 2009 study from UBC which looked at how random the outcome of coin tossing is.

UBCO time capsule secrets

Castanet reported on a time capsule which was opened this week after 25 years, at UBC’s Okanagan campus. Deborah Buszard, deputy vice-chancellor of UBC Okanagan, and College president Jim Hamilton […]

Doug Ford cuts to midwives’ funding unacceptable

National Observer cited a UBC study which found mothers and babies are likely to have better outcomes in areas where nurse-midwives are able to attend.

Slice of history at UBC Okanagan revealed

Slice of history at UBC Okanagan revealed

A time capsule, complete with dozens of items tucked away 25 years ago by staff at Okanagan University College (OUC), was opened at UBC Okanagan and its contents revealed.

New guidelines more concerned about protecting women from breast screening

New guidelines more concerned about protecting women from breast screening

The Province published an op-ed by Paula B. Gordon, clinical professor in the department of radiology at UBC, about new guidelines for breast cancer screening for average-risk women.

Festive Cantatas: A Monteverdi Christmas Vespers
