Sports / Exercise

  • Dr. James McKendry
    • nutrition
    • exercise
    • muscle
    • protein
    • aging
    • healthy aging
    • Special education
    • learning disabilities
    • inclusive educational practices
    • intervention research for students with learning disabilities
    • Human motor learning
    • expertise and development
    • physical education
    • teacher preparation and effectiveness
    • exercise science
    • Sport Medicine
    • Exercise Physiology
    • Altitude
    • Air Pollution
    • Anti-Doping
    • Exercise
    • Practice
    • expert performance
    • motor learning
    • motor control
    • expertise
    • learning and coordination
    • instructions
    • feedback
    • observational practice and learning
    • self-directed practice
    • neural control of movement
    • postural control
    • fear of falling
    • balance disorders
    • Olympic Games impact Research Project
    • leisure and sport management
  • Mark Beauchamp
    • Sport and exercise psychology
    • leadership
    • group processes
    • self-confidence beliefs
    • role perceptions and coach-athlete relationships