More Canadians may be driving high since cannabis legalization: UBC study
THC is being detected in twice as many injured drivers since cannabis was legalized in Canada, according to new UBC research published today in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Low THC levels not linked to increased risk of car crashes
New research led by the University of British Columbia suggests that THC levels less than five nanograms/ml of blood do not lead to an increased risk of causing car crashes in most drivers.
Some pregnant women don’t believe cannabis is harmful to their fetus
Up to one-third of pregnant women do not believe cannabis is harmful to their fetus, according to a new review by UBC researchers.
Risk of fatal traffic crash higher during annual 4/20 cannabis celebration
Drivers in the United States are more likely to be in a fatal traffic crash during the annual April 20 cannabis celebration, according to new research from the University of British Columbia.