Dr. Jillianne Code, PhD
Associate Professor
- teachers
- teacher education
- agency
- AI in education
- science education
- trades education
- youth
- social media
- mental health
- heart disease
- heart failure
- heart transplant
Lindsay Eltis
- Bacterial catabolism
- pollutant degradation
- steroid degradation
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- biocatalysts
Lisa Nathan, PhD, MLIS
Associate Professor
- climate
- information ethics
- Indigenous information
- libraries
- sustainability
- library
- human-computer interaction
- climate adaptation
Marina Milner-Bolotin, PhD
- Mathematics education
- science education
- STEM education
- technology education
- girls/women in science
Kendall Ho, MD
- eHealth
- knowledge translation
- educational research
- continuing professional development
- interprofessional education
- evidence informed policy
- eLearning
- global eHealth
Mark Halpern, PhD
- Cosmology
- cosmic background radiation
- history of star formation
- measuring the geometry and contents of the universe
- satellites
- balloon-borne telescopes
- the physics of music
- solar system
- space science
Jolie Mayer-Smith
- Environmental education
- science education
- post-secondary teaching and learning
- teacher education and research
- pedagogy
- collaboration
- educational technology
Cristina Conati
Associate Professor
- artificial intelligence (AI)
- human-computer interaction
- affective computing
- personalized interfaces
- intelligent user interfaces
- intelligent interface agents
- virtual agent
- user-adapted interaction
- computer-assisted education
- educational computer games
- computers in education
- user-adaptive interaction
- machine learning
Samia Khan
Associate Professor
- Science education
- teaching and learning
- cognition
- digital technology
- learning space design
- case study
- higher education