Dept. of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies
Professor Emeritus
- Post-biblical Christianity to 6th century
- religious tolerance
- religion and literature
- Augustine of Hippo
- multidisciplinary approaches to the study of the Humanities
Professor Emeritus
- Fifty years of experience in maritime archaeology in Mediterranean and Arctic; classical archaeology in Greece and Turkey. Maritime history of Canada. Maritime museums (on board of Vancouver Maritime Museum for 30 years). Vampire archaeology (National Geographic tv special). Atlantis (once regular on CBC radio and tv on Atlantis stories).
- popular culture
- comics
- games
- science fiction
- television
- superheroes
- Greek poetry
- theatre
- Homer
- tragedy
- comedy
- modern productions
- Roman theatre
- comedy
- tragedy
- modern productions
- improvisation
- Archaeology of the Roman world, especially Sicily, Britain and north Africa
- Latin literature
- Roman culture
- epic poetry
- satire
- drama
- emotions
- later reception of ancient literature and culture
- myth
- modern poetry
- translation
Assistant Professor
- Greek philosophy
- Ancient philosophy
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Plotinus
- Proclus
- Neoplatonism
- Ancient logic
Associate Professor
- Roman history
- Roman law
- Roman courtrooms
Assistant Professor
- Judaism
- Rabbinic Literature
- Rabbinic Judaism
- Mishnah
- Talmud
- Jewish Studies
- Jewish Law
- Jewish Ethics
- Charity
- Jewish Ethics
- Archaeology of Israel
- Archaeology and Hebrew Bible
- Archaeology of Jerusalemn
Assistant Professor
- Roman history, ancient slavery, gender and sexuality in the Greco-Roman world