UBC experts on wildfires

UBC experts are available to comment on wildfires and associated issues.

Disaster preparedness


Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering

Email: amykim@civil.ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


  • Evacuation, and specifically transportation issues with evacuation.

* Available Tuesday to Fridays after 3 p.m., Friday afternoon


Associate Professor, Dept. of Anthropology and School of Public Policy & Global Affairs

Email: sara.shneiderman@ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


  • Social and cultural elements of disaster preparedness and response
  • Disaster governance
  • Disaster-induced displacement and mobility
  • Cultural heritage and reconstruction

* Available until Aug. 7


Assistant Professor, UBCO School of Engineering

Phone: 236-865-7531

Email: babak.tosarkani@ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


  • Emergency supply chain preparedness, disaster relief operations
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Wood Science

Phone: 604-822-9852

Email: felix.wiesner@ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


  • Fire performance of building materials in the wildland urban interface, wildfire building codes, resilience of wooden infrastructure

Environmental and ecological impacts


Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Wildlife Restoration Ecology, UBCO Department of Biology

Email: adam.ford@ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


  • Effect of fire on wildlife and habitat



Professor, School of Nursing

Email: jennifer.baumbusch@nursing.ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


  • Protecting seniors and other vulnerable people from extreme heat
  • Special considerations for older people and people with disabilities during evacuations
Professor, School of Population and Public Health

Email: michael.brauer@ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


  • Air quality and health impacts from smoke
  • How to minimize exposure to smoke
Physician; Professor and Head of Respiratory Medicine, Dept. of Medicine

Tel: 604-839-1561

Email: carlsten@mail.ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


  • Adverse health effects related to heat, smoke, ozone and allergens
  • How heat, smoke, ozone and allergens are climate-change related


Associate Professor, School of Population and Public Health

Email: please contact PHSA media line at 778-867-7472

Interview languages: English


  • Health impacts of wildfire smoke and extreme heat and ways to protect health


Professor, Dept. of Family Practice, Division of Sport & Exercise Medicine

phone: 604-822-9331

Email: michael.koehle@ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


  • Sport medicine
  • Exercise physiology
  • Exercising in extreme heat, air pollution and/or wildfire smoke



Spokesperson, Weather Forecast Research Team

Email: bluesky@eoas.ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


  • Smoke forecasting, smoke dispersion, fire weather forecasting

* Available 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, unavailable July 26 and 29


Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry

Phone: 604-822-4435

Email: borduas@chem.ubc.ca

Interview languages: English, French


  • Chemistry of wildfire smoke, effects of wildfire smoke on cloud formation, wildfire smoke indoors

* Unavailable in August 1-11

Wildfire management, climate change

Professor, Dept. of Forest and Conservation Sciences

Email: lori.daniels@ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


* Limited availability July 23-24

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

Email: rwhite@eoas.ubc.ca
Interview languages: English

  • Heatwaves
  • Climate
  • Climate change
  • Atmospheric circulation
Associate Professor, UBCO Dept. of Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences

Email: david.scott@ubc.ca

Interview languages: English


  • Fire site rehabilitation methods for controlling erosion and sedimentation
  • Effects of wildfire on soils, hydrology and erosion