UBC experts on COVID-19 pandemic
UBC experts are available to comment on the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch
Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Email: jennifer.baumbusch@ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Seniors care, long-term care, people with disabilities, family caregiving
Dr. Christopher Carlsten
Physician; Professor and Head of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine
Email: christopher.carlsten@ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Effects of COVID-19 on lung health and patient-reported outcomes, COVID-19 clinical follow-up including long haulers
Dr. Daniel Coombs (he/him)
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Institute of Applied Mathematics
Email: coombs@math.ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Modelling the pandemic, including invasion of new strains
*unavailable Dec. 19-22
Dr. Ran Goldman
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Email: rgoldman@cw.bc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- COVID-19 vaccination barriers, COVID-19 complications in children, preparing for flu season during a pandemic, flu vaccine and parents’ willingness to vaccinate their children
*some periods of unavailability
Dr. Tom Koch
Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography
Tel: 604-326-2967
Email: tomkochworks@gmail.com
Interview language(s): English
- History of pandemics/epidemics/outbreaks; mapping of diseases; basic public health policies, issues, initiatives; social context of bacterial and viral expansion
Dr. Stephen Hoption Cann
Clinical Professor, School of Population and Public Health
Tel: 778-928-8339
Email: hoption.cann@ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Infectious disease prevention and vaccination, COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials, pathophysiology of fever in infectious diseases
Dr. Judy Illes (she/her)
Professor of Neurology and Canada Research Chair in Neuroethics, Division of Neurology
Tel: 604-822-0746
Email: jilles@mail.ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Medically vulnerable populations
*unavailable Dec. 29-Jan. 5
Dr. Kelly McNagny (he/him)
Professor, Department of Medical Genetics and School of Biomedical Engineering
Email: kelly@brc.ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Immune response to infections and vaccines
Dr. Eli Puterman (he/him)
Associate Professor, School of Kinesiology and Canada Research Chair in Physical Activity and Health
Email: eli.puterman@ubc.ca
Language(s): English
- Mental health effects of Covid, exercise and mental health, at-home exercise during Covid, exercise and stress reduction
*Unavailable from December 31st to January 2nd
Dr. James Russell
Physician; Professor, Department of Medicine; Principal Investigator at the Centre for Heart Lung Innovation (HLI) at St. Paul’s Hospital
Tel: 604-992-7550
Email: jim.russell@hli.ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Therapies for COVID-19, impact of non-vaccinated on trial recruitment, cardiac/heart injury and shock in COVID-19
Dr. Marie Tarrant (she/her)
Professor, School of Nursing, UBC Okanagan
Cell: 604-417-7307
Email: marie.tarrant@ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Vaccine uptake; vaccine hesitancy; vaccine in pregnancy, breastfeeding and children; parental attitudes and willingess to vaccinate
Dr. Steven Taylor (he/him)
Professor and Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry
Email: steven.taylor@ubc.ca
Interview language(s): English
- Psychology of pandemics, pandemic fatigue, anxiety disorders, PTSD, OCD