BC Centre on Substance Use
Young people at the centre of the toxic drug crisis
Dr. Danya Fast captures the experience of youth who use drugs in her new book, The Best Place: Addiction, Intervention, and Living and Dying Young in Vancouver.
Patients may be at higher risk of overdose when opioid therapy for pain is discontinued
Discontinuing opioids prescribed for chronic pain was associated with increased risk of overdose, according to a new study from the BC Centre on Substance Use and University of British Columbia-Okanagan published today in PLOS Medicine
Cannabis could help alleviate depression and suicidality among people with PTSD
Cannabis may be helping Canadians cope with the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), new research suggests.
UBC researchers help find solutions to the overdose crisis
Every day at UBC, researchers are working to gain a deeper understanding of the factors driving the overdose crisis and to determine potential solutions.