Sports / Exercise

    • Movement
    • control
    • balance
    • equilibrium
    • spinal cord
    • vestibular
    • neuroscience
    • physical therapy
    • self-esteem and spirit/exercise
    • body image
    • stress and coping in sport and exercise
    • health related behaviour (dieting, smoking, physical activity) related to the construction of the physical self in adolescent girls
    • Pediatrics
    • cardiometabolic disease
    • obesity
    • epigenetics/genetics
  • Greg duManoir, PhD
    • Teaching
    • educational leadership
    • anatomy
    • exercise physiology
    • cardiovascular physiology
    • sports performance
    • endurance performance
    • sports science
    • strength & conditioning
    • Obesity prevention
    • childhood obesity
    • policy approaches to address childhood obesity
    • physical activity
  • Adam Lund
    • Event medicine
    • mass gathering medicine
    • mass gathering health
    • music festivals
    • electronic dance music events
    • special events
    • marathon
    • triathlon
    • emergency medicine
    • obstacle adventure courses
    • emergency department overcrowding
    • opioids
    • fentanyl
    • prehospital care
    • paramedicine
    • COVID-19
    • emergency management
    • TV/Film & Entertainment
  • Mary Jung, PhD
    • exercise adherence
    • dietary adherence
    • lifestyle behaviour change
    • prediabetes
    • diabetes prevention
    • health program evaluation
    • digital health technologies
    • Physical activity
    • community-based interventions for health promotion
  • Dr. Eli Puterman, PhD
    • Health psychology
    • stress resiliency
    • physical activity interventions
    • life course adversity
    • cellular aging