South Asia

  • Dr. Farah Shroff, BSc, MEd (Primary Health Care), PhD
    • public health
    • social equity
    • women's health
    • global politics
    • social determinants of health
    • anti-racism
    • anti-imperialism
    • integrative health
    • holistic health practices
    • yoga
    • meditation
    • indigenous systems of health
    • health policy
  • Sebastian Prange, PhD
    • History
    • maritime trade
    • Indian Ocean
    • India
    • piracy
    • Islam
  • Mark Turin, PhD
    • Himalaya
    • Nepal
    • First Nations
    • indigenous
    • anthropology
    • linguistics
    • endangered languages
    • digital
    • archives
    • museums
    • Bhutan
    • India
    • Tibet
    • technology
  • Tara Mayer, PhD
    • Global history of fashion, clothing, material culture, and identity, colonial South Asian history, constructions of Britishness, Indo-European commodity exchanges, clothing and other forms of material culture, Orientalist portraiture, empire and aesthetic influence
  • Sara Shneiderman, PhD
    • Himalaya
    • Nepal
    • India
    • Tibet
    • social and cultural impacts of disaster and disaster response
    • migration and citizenship
    • democratization and secularization
    • political and social change
    • ethnicity and religion
    • inequality and poverty
    • affirmative action
    • Indigenous peoples
  • Adam Jones
    • Human rights
    • gender studies
    • genocide studies
    • crimes against humanity
    • media and political transition
    • Sanskrit literature
    • ancient India
    • Asian folklore
    • digital humanities
    • manuscripts
    • Hinduism
    • caste
    • Hindu mythology
    • Sanskrit theater
    • Sanskrit poetry
  • M.V. Ramana, PhD
    • Nuclear energy
    • nuclear disarmament
    • nuclear reactors
    • small modular reactors
    • economics of nuclear power
    • energy in India
    • nuclear weapons in India
    • radioactive waste
    • nuclear accidents
    • Accounting and risk management in financial institutions, disclosure, corporate governance and performance measurement, corporate finance, applications of machine learning