
    • Eighteenth century, Romantic, Britain, Scotland, home, poverty, novel, poetry, drama, fiction, domestic, Jane Austen, Walter Scott, Laurence Sterne, Henry Fielding, Gothic, Picturesque, aesthetics
  • Jon Beasley-Murray, PhD in Literature (Duke)
    • Latin America
    • Argentina
    • Chile
    • Peru
    • Venezuela
    • Central America
    • Mexico
    • politics
    • political theory
    • cultural studies
    • literature
    • culture
    • film
    • history
    • the Left
    • revolution
    • revolutionary movements
    • populism
    • civil society
    • affect
    • habit
    • multitude
    • posthegemony
    • educational technology
    • blogs
    • Wikipedia
    • UBC history
    • archival science
    • records management
    • Roman history
    • Roman law
    • Roman courtrooms
    • History education
  • Duanduan Li, Ed.D
    • Chinese linguistics
    • applied linguistics
    • sociolinguistics
    • Chinese language and culture
    • second language acquisition
    • language socialization
    • Chinese heritage language education
    • bilingualism and multilingualism
  • Christina Laffin
    • Women writers of Japan before the 19th century
    • history of women in Japan before the 19th century
    • Japanese diaries and memoirs
    • Japanese poetry
    • Japanese travel writing
  • Prof. Hyung-Gu Lynn
    • South Korea
    • North Korea
    • Japan
    • politics
    • popular culture
    • society
  • Mona Gleason
    • History of education
    • education
    • K-12
    • teachers
    • teacher education
    • history of children and youth
    • social history of women, gender, and sexuality
    • history of health education