Oliver Neumann
Associate Professor
- Digital fabrication
- concepts of context
- wood construction
- contemporary architecture discourse
Michele Koppes, PhD
Associate Professor
- Climate change
- glaciers
- natural hazards
- landscape change
- polar regions
- ice-ocean interactions
- global warming
- greenhouse effect
- greenhouse gases
Allan L. Carroll
- Climate change
- mountain pine beetle
- bark beetles
- forest disturbance
- integrated pest management
- insect ecology
- population dynamics
- insect-plant interactions
- biological diversity
- sustainable development
- global warming
- greenhouse effect
- greenhouse gases
Dr. Mary O'Connor, PhD
- Climate change
- ocean
- seafood
- seagrass
- eelgrass
- invertebrate
- ecology
- environment
- biological diversity
- global warming
- greenhouse effect
- greenhouse gases
Michael Koehle, MD, PhD
- Sport Medicine
- Exercise Physiology
- Altitude
- Air Pollution
- Anti-Doping
- Exercise
Robert (Bob) Sparks, PhD
- Olympic Games impact Research Project
- leisure and sport management
Sean Smukler, PhD
Associate Professor
- Agriculture
- environment
- sustainable development
- ecosystem services
- biological diversity