Lisa Loutzenheiser, PhD
Associate Professor
- Multicultural
- anti-racism
- curriculum and pedagogy
- gender
- queer theories
Doris Baltruschat, PhD
Author, Educator
- Media/digital literacy
- stereoscopic (3D)
- virtual reality and social media
- independent film
- digital citizenship and media democracy
- media ecologies
- transmedia storytelling
- international co-productions and TV formats
- film/TV audience reception
- aboriginal media/arctic cinema
- social movements
- social networks
- social networking
Eric M. Meyers
Assistant Professor
- Youth online behavior
- information seeking
- web search
- libraries
- public libraries
- school libraries
- academic libraries
- learning
- virtual worlds
- collaboration
- social networks
- new media
- digital literacy
- information literacy
Patricia Duff, PhD
- Applied linguistics and sociolinguistics
- multilingualism and work
- sociocultural and sociopolitical aspects of languages in education
Nicola Hodges, PhD
- Practice
- expert performance
- motor learning
- motor control
- expertise
- learning and coordination
- instructions
- feedback
- observational practice and learning
- self-directed practice
Pierre Walter, PhD
Associate Professor
- Adult education
- environmental education
- literacy
- comparative education
- gender and development
- Southeast Asian studies
Jolie Mayer-Smith
- Environmental education
- science education
- post-secondary teaching and learning
- teacher education and research
- pedagogy
- collaboration
- educational technology