
    • Climate change
    • glaciers
    • natural hazards
    • landscape change
    • polar regions
    • ice-ocean interactions
    • global warming
    • greenhouse effect
    • greenhouse gases
    • Adult education
    • environmental education
    • literacy
    • comparative education
    • gender and development
    • Southeast Asian studies
  • Roger Wong, CM, BMSc, MD, FRCPC, FACP, FCAHS
    • Geriatrics
    • geriatric medicine
    • acute care for older people
    • hospital medicine
    • frailty
    • dementia
    • Alzheimer’s disease
    • quality improvement in medicine
    • medical education
  • Duanduan Li, Ed.D
    • Chinese linguistics
    • applied linguistics
    • sociolinguistics
    • Chinese language and culture
    • second language acquisition
    • language socialization
    • Chinese heritage language education
    • bilingualism and multilingualism
    • Chinese history
    • global history
    • war crimes
  • Sumeet Gulati, PhD
    • Tax incentives for hybrid or electric vehicles
    • carbon tax
    • cap and trade
    • India
  • Christina Laffin
    • Women writers of Japan before the 19th century
    • history of women in Japan before the 19th century
    • Japanese diaries and memoirs
    • Japanese poetry
    • Japanese travel writing
  • Prof. Yves Tiberghien, PhD
    • Global Economic governance
    • COVID politics
    • G20
    • WTO
    • RCEP
    • CPTPP
    • Global environment
    • climate change
    • biodiversity governance
    • GMO
    • Japan
    • Chinese political economy
    • China and global order
    • China global
    • EU
    • France
    • COVID-19 politics
    • WHO
    • EU-China relations
    • Japan-China relations
  • Prof. Hyung-Gu Lynn
    • South Korea
    • North Korea
    • Japan
    • politics
    • popular culture
    • society