Faculty of Forestry
Peter L. Marshall, PhD
- Forest inventory
- sampling design
- forestry education
- forestry profession
Nicholas Coops, PhD
- Optical remote sensing
- computer visualization
- biodiversity
- climate change
- forest mapping
- biological diversity
- global warming
- greenhouse effect
- greenhouse gases
Dr. John Richardson, PhD
- water
- endangered species
- species at risk
- freshwater
- conservation
- wildlife
- ecology
- populations
- ecosystems
- invertebrates
Dr. Stephen R.J. Sheppard, PhD
Professor Emeritus and former Director of Bachelor of Urban Forestry Program
- Future climate change scenarios
- community engagement
- landscape architecture
- urban forestry
- greenway planning
- sustainable communities
- social aspects of forestry
- visual quality / visual impacts of clear-cutting
- climate change videogames
- computer mapping and animation
- local climate change impacts
- adaptation and mitigation
- visualization
- behaviour change
- social mobilization on climate change
- citizen science
- renewable energy
- global warming
- greenhouse effect
- greenhouse gases
Shawn Mansfield
Associate Professor
- Plant metabolism
- cellulose biosynthesis
- lignin biosynthesis
- wood formation
- wood quality
- cell wall biochemistry
- tree biotechnology
- transgenics
Rob Kozak
- Forest products marketing and management
- value-added wood products
- forest dependent communities
- forests and poverty alleviation
- sustainable development
John Innes
- Forestry
- forest management
- forest certification
- aboriginal forestry
- biodiversity
- climate change
- communities and livelihoods
- conservation
- ecosystems
- forest management
- forest policy
- social impact
- sustainability
- drought
- forest fires
- wildfires
- heat waves
- people's responses to heat waves
- impact of heat waves on forests
- adaptation of forests to climate change
- responses of resorts (such as Whistler) to climate change
- biological diversity
- sustainable development
- global warming
- greenhouse effect
- greenhouse gases