Dept. of Curriculum and Pedagogy

    • Arts-based research
    • autoethnography
    • creative analytical practices
    • creativity in teaching and learning
    • digital media in teaching and learning
    • early childhood education
    • jazz (performance and recorded music)
    • music media
    • music learning
    • and pedagogy
    • Music and history
    • music education
    • conducting
    • choral music
  • Marina Milner-Bolotin, PhD
    • Mathematics education
    • science education
    • STEM education
    • technology education
    • girls/women in science
    • Education
    • gender
    • Multicultural
    • anti-racism
    • curriculum and pedagogy
    • gender
    • queer theories
    • Science education
    • teaching and learning
    • cognition
    • digital technology
    • learning space design
    • case study
    • higher education
  • Prof. David Anderson
    • Museums
    • informal learning
    • out-of-school learning
    • large-scale public events
    • world expositions
    • science centre
    • visitor experiences
    • long-term memories
    • Showa Japan
    • metacognition
  • Dr. E. Wayne Ross, PhD
    • Education
    • Curriculum
    • Social Studies Education
    • Teacher Education
    • Academic Labour
    • Critical Pedagogy
    • Democratic Education
    • Curriculum design
    • high school physics
    • primary science
    • teacher education
    • science teacher education
    • physics teacher education
    • classroom instructions