Dept. of Chemistry
Donald Brooks, PhD
- Microgravity research (space station, etc)
- diagnostic testing device
- Centre for Blood Research
- biomaterials
Professor Chris Orvig
- Medicinal inorganic chemistry
- coordination chemistry of biological and medical relevance
- coordination chemistry of the early transition metals, the lanthanides, and the actinides
- main group bioinorganic chemistry (particularly group 13)
- role of metal ions in Alzheimer's Disease and other neurological dysfunctions
- metal complexes as nuclear medicine imaging and therapeutic agents, and as antitumour agents
- technetium and rhenium chemistry
- radiopharmaceutical chemistry
- vanadium compounds as anti-diabetic agents
- lanthanide coordination and bioinorganic chemistry
David M. Perrin
- Bioorganic chemistry
- combinatorial chemistry
- enzyme mimics
- antisense therapies
Michael Wolf
- Materials chemistry
- polymer light-emitting devices
- chemical sensors
- conductive polymers
Mark MacLachlan
- chemistry
- biomaterials
- cellulose nanocrystals
- inorganic chemistry
- materials chemistry
- porous materials
Pierre Kennepohl, PhD
Associate Professor
- Spectroscopy
- electronic structure
- paramagnetic resonance
- X-ray absorption
- X-ray emission
- sulfur radicals in biology
- enzymatic catalysis
- transition metal catalysis
Marco Ciufolini, PhD
Professor & Canada Research Chair
- Organic chemistry
- heterocyclic chemistry
- medicinal chemistry
- organic synthesis
- synthetic methodology
- natural products