Triple C Workshops

Triple C started simply as coffee, cookies and conversation and is now officially about building capacity, community and consistency. We try to keep it informal, and tailored to what UBC communicators tell us they want to see, hear and discuss. Some sessions lend themselves to small, intimate discussions between specific groups of communicators, others to a broader audience.

Either way, we hope you’ll walk away with tips, tricks and answers to your questions. We want you to meet some of your fellow communicators, and feel supported in your communications work.

Next session

Thursday, June 27 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m

Topic: Issues management: navigating freedom, safety and respect in an era of political tensions

What to expect:

As communicators, how do we convey a university’s commitment to academic freedom and freedom of expression while also recognizing its need to provide a safe and respectful environment for everyone?

This is a vast, complex and nuanced topic. Matthew Ramsey and Thandi Fletcher from Media Relations will attempt to explore elements of it, sharing examples from past issues to illustrate some of the challenges communicators may face. 

Intended takeaways:

  • Discussion of policies and concepts including academic freedom, freedom of expression, hate speech, respectful environment
  • Exploration of these historical and escalating tensions and how they operate within the missions and landscapes of higher education
  • Better understand some of the UBC-related case studies along with the key considerations and learnings
  • Understand your role in supporting the issues management process during these times 

As a second part to this session, participants will get the opportunity to apply some of the considerations and learnings to relevant issues-based scenarios, guided by facilitators in breakout rooms.

Examples of past workshops:

  • Issues Management 101
  • Indigenous Communications Best Practices
  • ChatGPT for Communicators
  • Work Smarter, Not Harder, Using Google Analytics
  • Speed Dating for UBC Communicators

To make sure you hear about upcoming workshops, email us at with a request to be put on our mailing list. You can also drop us a line anytime to let us know about workshops you’d be interested in attending—or even leading!