Opinion Writing
Opinion pieces (also known as Op-Eds) can be an effective way to communicate your research or professional opinions while initiating or adding to an existing debate.
Guidelines common to most publications
- 800 words or less
- Credentials should be clearly stated — include full name, contact information, and daytime phone number
- No e-mail attachments — send content within the body of an e-mail
- Specify “Opinion Submission” in subject line
- Submissions should be as argumentative as possible
- Opinion pieces that anticipate news developments such as conferences and court decisions are especially valuable
- Media reserve the right to edit, condense or reject any contribution
- Submissions need to be exclusive to one media outlet, so don’t approach a second publication until you’ve been declined at the first one
- Writers whose submissions are considered for publication are generally notified within 1-2 weeks
Globe and Mail
E-mail: comment@globeandmail.com
Fax: 416.585.5505
Tel: 416.585.5568
National Post
E-mail: submissions@nationalpost.com
Toronto Star
E-mail: oped@thestar.ca
CBC News
Email: opinion@cbc.ca
Vancouver Sun
E-mail: hjohal@postmedia.com CCing sunopinion@vancouversun.com
Fax: 604.605.2522
Tel: 604.605.2184
Georgia Straight
E-mail: contact@straight.com
Fax: 604.730.7010
Tel: 604.730.7000
The Tyee
E-mail: editor@thetyee.ca
Tel: 604.689.7489
New York Times
E-mail: opinion@nytimes.com
Fax: 212.556.4100
Tel: 212.556.1831
The Washington Post
Email: oped@washpost.com
Web: Submission Form
Fax: 202.334.5269
Tel: 202.334.7471
Los Angeles Times
E-mail: oped@latimes.com
Fax: 213.237.7968
Tel: 213.237.2121
San Francisco Chronicle
E-mail: matt.fleischer@sfchronicle.com
Fax: 415.543.7708
Tel: 415.777.1111
San Jose Mercury Times
E-mail: opinions@mercurynews.com
Fax: 408.271.3792
Tel: 408.920.5235
Seattle Times
E-mail: opinion@seattletimes.com
Fax: 206.382.6760
Tel: 206.464.2132
E-mail: commentary@oregonian.com
Fax: 503.294.4193
Tel: 503.221.8389
South China Morning Post
E-mail: robert.haddow@scmp.com
Fax: 852.2516.7478
Tel: 852.2565.2222
Straits Times (Singapore)
E-mail: stforum@sph.com.sg
Fax: 65.6319.8289
Tel: 65.6319.5397
Daily Telegraph (UK)
E-mail: dtletters@telegraph.co.uk
Sunday Telegraph (UK)
E-mail: stletters@telegraph.co.uk
Guardian (UK)
E-mail: guardian.letters@theguardian.com
Blog: cif.editors@theguardian.com
Regularly updated list of U.S. op-ed submission contacts: The OpEd Project