Expert Update

Please complete the relevant fields for update in the UBC Experts Guide.

  • (E.g. Dr., Prof.)
  • Visit to quickly record a short audio clip with correct pronunciation of your name and paste a link to the recording here. Signup and recording takes less than two minutes.
  • This is VOLUNTARY, and will be visible only to UBC Media Relations staff. You may identify with more than one group (hold down Ctrl or ⌘ to make multiple selections). All information is kept strictly confidential and will be used to encourage equitable access to media opportunities.
  • Enter a CONCISE list of COMMA-separated keywords or terms that relate to your area(s) of expertise. These words and terms will be used in searches for UBC experts.
  • Enter your social media channels. For example, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
  • Please provide a maximum of THREE news stories with the article link and headline
  • If you have an updated headshot, please share it with us.
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.