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Brent’s Grist Mill to become future site of ‘pasture for bees’

CBC News highlighted the forthcoming transformation of a derelict heritage site in Kelowna, B.C. into a sanctuary for wild pollinators like bees. The project is a partnership between the City […]

Painkiller may inhibit your ability to detect mistakes

New UBC research shows that acetaminophen, a common pain reliever, could also be reducing the brain’s ability to spot errors, reports Forbes. “Very recent work in the last few years […]

Canada mortgage rules could hurt more than they help

Canada’s new mortgage rules designed to cool down home prices may not have the desired impact, according to a Huffington Post article. One expert skeptical of the new measures is […]

Vancouver should retain Molson Coors brewery site

UBC urban planning professor Tom Hutton believes Vancouver should fight to keep the Molson Coors brewery site for new-economy jobs, reports the Globe and Mail. “This is a bit of […]

Kids happier in play spaces with elements of nature

The Globe and Mail highlighted a new UBC study showing the impact of natural elements in playgrounds. The research showed that adding features like plants, sand, bricks and water reduced […]

Researchers comb the Web for new stock market predictors

Adam Saunders, professor in the management information systems division at the UBC Sauder School of Business, was featured in a Globe and Mail article on the growing use of big data […]

Urbanarium/UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture City Debate: Create a City-wide Plan