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Food for thought

Fortune featured research on startup valuations co-written by Will Gornall, a professor at the UBC Sauder School of Business. Gornall and Ilya Strebulaev, a Stanford Business School professor, found that almost […]

With Injun, Jordan Abel finds poetic justice

Jordan Abel, a UBC alumnus, was featured in the Globe and Mail for his latest book Injun, a long poem about race, racism and appropriation. Abel was a master’s student in UBC’s […]

We’ve mistakenly assumed that coal is effectively unlimited

PBS mentioned UBC research into global coal supply. Justin Ritchie, a UBC PhD candidate in resources and the environment, and professor Hadi Dowlatabadi, wrote about the mismatch in coal usage […]

Mexican fishermen go from shark-hunting to shark-protecting

Fusion reported on UBC research into the shark tourism industry. The fisheries economics research found that the industry generates hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.

N.W.T.’s ‘bush university’ offers credits for paddling down Peel River

CBC North reported on a partnership between the Yellowknife-based Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning and UBC. Dechinta’s pilot program will offer university credits for UBC.

Workshop: Gardening in Small Spaces


New curator to continue supporting artist-led outdoor art at UBC

The Vancouver Sun profiled Barbara Cole, the new curator of outdoor art at UBC’s Belkin Gallery. Cole said she will focus on working with individual artists for new works at UBC.

NDP-Greens seek ways to cool British Columbia’s housing market

The Globe and Mail quoted Thomas Davidoff, a UBC economics professor and real estate expert, about how the provincial government will address the housing market. Davidoff said pushing cities to […]

Emerging Indigenous Voices campaign tops $100,000

The Globe and Mail interviewed Daniel Heath Justice, the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Literature and Expressive Culture at UBC, about a new literary award for Indigenous writers. Justice arranged […]