UBC prof receives BCMA Terry Fox Medal

Dr. Dianne Miller, an associate professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, received the Terry Fox Medal from the B.C. Medical Association (BCMA) in recognition of her leadership in the ovarian cancer field.

A renowned surgeon, educator, clinician, and researcher, Miller was instrumental in co-founding the Ovarian Cancer Research Program at the B.C. Cancer Agency and Vancouver General Hospital, which has successfully brought together her vision of a dynamic team of specialists spanning multiple specialties — all working toward improving outcomes for women with ovarian cancer. Their initiatives include spearheading a major practice change involving fallopian tube removal, which will reduce deaths by ovarian cancer by up to 50 per cent over the next 20 years in B.C.

The Terry Fox Medal is presented by the BCMA to encourage and support the extraordinary commitment, diligence and perseverance of outstanding individuals in their contribution to cancer care, research, or prevention in British Columbia.

For more information, visit http://med.ubc.ca/dianne-miller-receives-bcma-terry-fox-medal/