Canada Foundation for Innovation, Dialogues at UBC Robson Square

Harnessing the power of quantum information has game-changing implications for global communications. Information processors that function according to the laws of quantum mechanics promise to vastly outperform their “classical” counterparts.

This technology is changing the way that we think about communication and information, and Canadian researchers are leading the way.

The Canada Foundation for Innovation Dialogues at UBC Robson Square is presenting Raymond Laflamme, executive director of the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing. Laflamme will discuss key challenges in building quantum devices, the important milestones that have already been achieved, and the bright future of research and technology in this fast-moving field.

Pioneering the Quantum Information Frontier with Raymond Laflamme
Date:  Feb. 15
Time:  6 – 7:30 p.m.
Place:  UBC Robson Square, Sauder School of Business Room C150, 800 Robson Street
Info:  This event is free and open to the public, no registration required.
Q&A and refreshments to follow.