UBC Board Approves Tuition Increases for Both Vancouver and Okanagan Campuses

The UBC Board of Governors has approved a tuition proposal
that will see students at the university’s Vancouver
and Okanagan campuses pay the same tuition fees for 2005-2006.

Undergraduate students will pay a base tuition of $4,092
at both campuses, slightly less than their peers at Simon
Fraser University and the University of Victoria. This is
a two per cent increase from 2004-05 tuition at UBC Vancouver
and it is within the inflationary cap set by the Provincial
Government in the Speech from the Throne.

Students currently enrolled at Okanagan University College,
whose North Kelowna campus becomes UBC Okanagan as of July
1, will see a number of changes in tuition. Compared to what
OUC students would have paid in tuition and required fees
in 2005-06, Arts students will pay $150 more as UBC Okanagan
students, while the typical Science student will experience
a $290 reduction.

At the same time, the Board also approved 2005-06 student
financial support of $3.7 million from the budget for UBC
Okanagan, which will be home to 3,900 university students
in September. (This compares to $992,208 distributed in student
financial support to 5,560 university and college students
at the OUC North Kelowna campus last year). The financial
assistance allocation for UBC Vancouver’s 42,500 students
was $35.6 million from the university’s budget in 2004-05,
plus a further $13 million made available from endowments
and annual fundraising.

"The level of funding supports the Board of Governors’
policy that no eligible domestic student be denied access
for financial reasons alone," said Brian Sullivan, Vice
President, Students.

Graduate students in research programs will also see a two
per cent inflationary increase, and professional and differentiated
program tuitions will be included in the two per cent ceiling.

Detailed information on the tuition fee proposal can be found
at: http://students.ubc.ca/tuitionconsultation/proposal.cfm.
