With sophisticated magnification techniques, Elaine Humphrey can take larger-than-life photos of creatures like the Tiger Beetle - photo by Bayne Stanley / Elaine Humphrey
With sophisticated magnification techniques, Elaine Humphrey
can take larger-than-life photos of creatures like the Tiger
Beetle – photo by Bayne Stanley / Elaine Humphrey

UBC Reports | Vol. 50 | No. 1 | Jan.
8, 2004

Getting the Small Picture

Elaine Humphrey sees a lot of strange things in her line
of work, but some of the requests she gets are even stranger
— like the time a crew member on the X-Files called to borrow
some of Humphrey’s creepy "bug" photos to use in
an episode of the popular sci-fi TV show.

Not Lost in Translation

Mark Harris more closely resembles your big brother’s
gentle, slightly disheveled best friend than a cultural warlord.
But word by word, line by line, he is taking on Hollywood’s
global domination of the creative marketplace and injecting
some much-needed diversity into the films, television, animation
and even comic books available to Canadians.

Students Fan Out Across B.C.

For the past four years, Monika Milewski has been pursuing
a degree in nursing — sitting in campus lecture halls, tutorials,
labs and study groups with other nursing students and faculty.


Overdue Book Fines Feed the Foodbank

The UBC Library collected more than 4,900 items for the Greater
Vancouver Food Bank in November — and waived just over $9,800
in fines — by asking library users to pay off their debts
from overdue books with food instead of cash.

The Topic of Talk

Couldn’t get a word in edge-wise during some of those
Christmas cocktail parties? Before you chalk it up to rudeness
on the part of your conversational partners, you might want
to consider what topics were talked about, how much you knew
about them and how much your own conversational style and
language preferences influenced the interaction.

Mapping the Sixth Sense

Most of us have felt it before — that sinking feeling that
something is about to happen, that something is not quite
right. It’s the stuff of scary movies, X-Files episodes and
psychic visits.

Dying Patients Don’t Want to be Stoned

Imagine you are dying a slow, painful death and someone offers
you marijuana to relieve your pain. How quickly would you
take it?

Doctors and Nurses Need to Keep Up with Genetic Training

Your father and uncle both died of a heart attack and you’ve
gone to your doctor to find out if you’re at risk. The
only problem is — your doctor doesn’t know much more
than you do.

Letter from Oxford

UBC’s most recent Rhodes Scholar, Yaa-Hemaa Obiri-Yeboah,
sends a letter to UBC from Oxford.



