
UBC Reports | Vol. 49 | No. 1 | Jan.
2, 2003


Your article “The Challenge for Partnered Professors”
(in UBC Reports, Dec. 5, 2002) was heartening for those partnering
professors who have been systematically discriminated against
at UBC for 25-30 years; I say “heartening” because
UBC might just do something for them before retirement…
Yes, indeed, “institutions in general, once they’ve secured
the services of one person, … tend to take the support
of the other more or less for granted…” Perhaps
a more balanced approach would be to report now on all those
at UBC who have not really been granted “joint placement”,
regardless of their qualifications and a quarter century of
loyal service to this institution.

– Dr. David F. Rogers
French, Hispanic and Italian Studies


