Frederic Wood Theatre exhibit shows where many Canadian stage and screen stars got their start

Event: Official Opening of Stages of Success: Theatre
at UBC Since 1916

Date/Time: Monday, November 18, 12:15 p.m.

Place: UBC Robson Square Campus, 800 Robson St.

Visuals: Archival costumes, theatre models, photos
and other memorabilia are on display (many are also available
electronically for print reproduction)

Parking: Underground parking for Robson Square,
entrance off of Howe St. at the corner of Nelson under the
Law Courts

UBC’s Frederic Wood Theatre kicks off its 50th Anniversary
celebrations today with the official opening of Stages of
Success: Theatre at UBC since 1916, an exhibit featuring more
than half a century’s worth of memorabilia from the theatre
including costumes, theatre models, archival programs, photos
and reviews. It will be on display until Dec. 5. Open Monday
to Friday from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The Robson Square campus is at 800 Robson St. For more information
call 604.822.3333.

Through alumni such as the X-Files’ lone gunmen, Tom Braidwood
and Bruce Harwood, actress Nicola Cavendish, filmmaker Daryl
Duke, Vancouver playwright, director and producer Morris Panych,
writer John MacLachlan Gray, Arts Club Theatre Director Bill
Millerd, and others, the Frederic Wood theatre has made a
major contribution to the development of the Canadian theatre

Several prominent alumni and the exhibit’s organizers will
be on hand for interviews and to show media and other guests
through the exhibit, if requested.

The on-site contact for media attending this event is Emma
Davis. She can be reached by cell phone at 604.839.6042.
