Forums pool students and alumni expertise

UBC Reports | Vol. 48 | No. 4 | Feb.
21, 2002

Exploring opportunities goal of student forums

by Helen Lewis staff writer

UBC students are seeing the world beyond the classroom thanks to
new forums that link undergraduates with other students, alumni
and community-oriented campus groups.

The Students Interconnected (SI) forums aim to help students explore
undergraduate choices by creating a knowledge pool of experiences
from the student body, says SI chair and co-founder Michael Tsang.

“Many undergraduates want to gain skills and learn about themselves
through new experiences, but it’s a challenge to find the right
program. We’re here as a network for that, helping campus organizations
and the students who want to link with them.”

At the new SI student forums and workshops, launched this year,
students share what they have learned through overseas projects
as well as co-op education, exchange and summer enrichment programs.

The most recent forum, “Empowering Communities,” discussed community
service issues and opportunities. Students involved in advocacy,
justice, health care and environmental community service related
their experiences and answered questions.

“Students attending the forums hear the personal experiences of
the panelists, so they can ask questions and get a number of views
at once,” says Tsang, a graduate of UBC’s Pharmacology Co-op program.

The SI Web site (
allows students to join the discussion after the forum, posting
questions to be answered by students and alumni with experience
in the relevant field. “For the students who get involved, it changes
the way they think about themselves, about their education and the
way they see themselves in the world,” Tsang says.

The forums are organized by SI with the Chapman Learning Commons,
the Faculty of Science, Science Undergraduate Society, AMS Volunteer
Services, Student Exchange, Science Co-op and the Alumni Association.