Economist to push borders of studies

“Canada, like any other country, is best understood in comparison with others,”
says UBC Economics Prof. John Helliwell. Helliwell has been appointed to UBC’s
Brenda and David McLean Chair in Canadian Studies for 1999-2001, one of few
such endowed chairs in the country.

“I see my international and Canada-related research to be tightly and beneficially
linked,” he says.

English Assoc. Prof. Richard Cavell, chair of Canadian Studies, says the appointment
is an important step in the evolution of such programs, which sprang up on Canadian
campuses in the 1960s when many in the country worried that Canada was getting
short shrift on university curricula.

“Canadian Studies are now an international phenomenon, with some 235 programs
around the world,” he says. “The result has been an increasingly global perspective
on Canadian issues.”

Helliwell has earned an international reputation for research on national
and international macro-economics, especially for his comparative empirical
studies of economic growth. His recent research topics have included the effects
of democracy on economic growth and social capital and the brain drain, including
a study of where all UBC’s graduates are living.

His most recent publication, How Much Do National Borders Matter? earned
the Doug Purvis Memorial Prize for the best work on Canadian economic policy
published during the year.

The McLean family, which endowed the chair in 1992, feels more time should
be devoted to Canadian Studies at universities.

“We fundamentally believe that an Arts education provides an important grounding
in life,” says David McLean.

Canadian Studies at UBC co-ordinates approximately 100 Canadian content courses
across the Faculty of Arts, as well as two dedicated courses, one in Canadian
Cultural Studies and a fourth-year seminar taught by the McLean chair.

The Mclean family’s endowment supports the research and teaching of the incumbent
for two years as well as a UBC Press publication series consisting of lectures
given at the end of the chair’s two-year tenure. It also supports the major
and minor program in Canadian Studies and a popular speakers’ program.