Zoologist receives Order of Canada

A Zoology professor, a former UBC chancellor, an opera star alumnus and the
choral director of UBC’s largest choir have been named to the Order of Canada.

Zoology Prof. Peter Hochachka has been named an officer of the Order of Canada.
Robert Lee, Ben Heppner and Diane Loomer are now Order of Canada members.

An internationally recognized researcher in environmental physiology, Hochachka
studies the way animals survive extreme environmental conditions and high altitudes.
His studies have captured international attention because of the parallels for
humans who suffer from diseases caused by oxygen deprivation.

Hochachka received the Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering in 1995
from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.

Former UBC chancellor, board member and alumnus Robert Lee is known as an
entrepreneur with a conscience.

A successful real estate investor, Lee was chair of UBC Real Estate Corporation
and a founding director of the UBC Foundation. He was a key player in the World
of Opportunity Campaign that raised $260 million for the university.

UBC School of Music alumnus Ben Heppner is internationally acclaimed as one
of the world’s leading tenors.

He is renowned for his interpretation of Wagner and Strauss and the difficult
vocal challenges of the heroic operas. His recitals and recordings have received
outstanding reviews.

Diane Loomer has directed UBC’s Choral Union, the School of Music’s largest
choir, since 1993.

She has developed world-class competitors in the field of choral music and
helped earn international awards for the Elektra Women’s Choir and Chor Leoni
Men’s Choir, both of which she helped to establish.

The Order of Canada was established in 1967 to recognize outstanding achievement
and service by Canadians in various fields of human endeavour.