
The following final paragraph was omitted from Prof. M. Patricia Marchak’s Forum
“Whither or Wither? Universities
after a millenium”
(UBC Reports, Oct. 17).

“I think the answer resides in how highly we regard the secular, skeptical,
persistent questioning attitude of the university, and how much we appreciate
the tolerance, open debate and demands for intellectual rigour. These are the
hall marks of the university in contrast to all other institutions. I believe,
contrary to some of the university’s critics, that universities have been a
force for the good and will continue in that role if allowed to survive. I
think we need them as we try to address pressing ecological issues, the
politics of the global economy, world poverty, and the evolution of
multicultural societies. But there are many opposing voices, strong
counter-currents of change, and their survival will depend on a strong social
will to keep them alive.”