
  • Budget 101: How UBC’s financial planning process works

    Budget 101: How UBC’s financial planning process works

    In the face of rising costs and global economic inflation, it’s even more important to understand how the University of British Columbia’s budget works.

  • Why tuition is not being reduced at UBC

    Why tuition is not being reduced at UBC

    Tuition supports UBC by funding the university’s core expenses, including faculty and staff salaries, student financial aid, student services, libraries, information technology, infrastructure investment, and administration across both campuses.

  • Government grants deliver highest returns for college financing, says study

    Government grants deliver highest returns for college financing, says study

    Merit-based grants are a government’s best bet for providing effective student aid for long-term economic growth – increasing both welfare (measured in terms of long-term well-being outcomes) and efficiency, according to a new joint study from the University of British Columbia, Queen’s, Princeton and Yale.