Flu season is coming and it could be ugly: what you need to know
As COVID-19 restrictions ease, Canada is seeing a resurgence of many respiratory viruses—and many experts predict this year’s flu season could be severe.
At-home exercise reduced depression levels significantly during COVID-19 lockdowns
At-home, app-based workouts were very effective at reducing people’s depression levels during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, finds a new UBC research trial whose findings were released today in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Kids too young for a COVID-19 vaccine? How to keep them safe
With the arrival of the fourth wave of COVID-19 in Canada, and vaccines not yet approved for children under 12, what measures can parents take to protect kids who are not yet immunized?
Heightened food worries linked to worse mental health during COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdowns may have worsened worries over food insecurity among many Canadians and negatively impacted their mental health, according to a nationwide survey conducted during the first wave.
Busting myths about COVID-19 vaccines and fertility
UBC’s Dr. Deborah Money, professor in the faculty of medicine’s department of obstetrics and gynaecology, busts some of the many myths circulating about the vaccines’ impact on fertility.
How to make the transition back to the office easier on your pandemic pet
After more than a year of working and schooling from home, many offices and schools are re-opening as the COVID-19 vaccine uptake rises.
Launching UBC’s COVID-19 rapid testing program
UBC is requiring COVID-19 rapid testing for all students, faculty and staff, with exemptions provided for those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Ensuring a safe start to the new academic year
Next week sees the start of Winter Session, Term 1, and a return to campus for many of us. Here’s what you need to do to help ensure a safe environment for yourself and those around you.