Peter A. Allard School of Law
Assistant Professor
- Canadian environmental law
- Canadian public law
- disaster law
Assistant Professor
- "Sharing" economy
- platform economy
- family law
- contracts
- marriage
- divorce
- cohabitation
- alimony
- wealth inequality
- Chinese legal system
- Chinese taxation
- United States taxation
- tax policy
- international taxation
- tax law
- law and development
Associate Professor
- Business law
- corporate governance
- corporate social responsibility
- sustainability
- social enterprise
- benefit corporation
- community contribution company
- business ethics
- access to justice and alternative business structures
- Canada Business Corporations Act
- BC Partnership Act
- BC Business Corporations Act
- contract law and interpretation
- law and economics
- feminism and corporate law
- board diversity
- impact investing
- socially responsible investment
- business and human rights
- sustainable development
Professor of Law (Emeritus)
Associate Professor
- Intellectual property law
- copyright law
- intersection of intellectual property law and human rights
Associate Professor
- Business
- Corporate Law
- Entrepreneurship
- History
- United States
Associate Professor
- Constitutional law
- Chinese law and government
- Hong Kong Basic Law
- Macau Basic Law
- comparative law
- comparative constitutional law
- Chinese legal system
- information law
- East Asian legal study
Presidential Distinguished Professor and Professor of Law
- Insolvency
- climate change finance
- corporate law
- corporate governance
- fiduciary obligation
- banking
- bankruptcy law