News Tips
Wordle’s benefits go beyond keeping you sharp
Many Wordle players say it helps keep their brains sharp. But did you know playing word games could also lead to success in business?
A quantum computer could design your next smartphone
Canadian researchers are using quantum computing simulations to accurately predict the colour of light emitted from molecules that produce the colours we see in the latest smartphones, tablets, and TV screens.
Choosing diet soda actually leads to reduced calorie counts overall
A recent study settles the debate on whether or not diet pop saves calories at fast-food outlets or whether it gives consumers the green light to buy that extra burger, dessert or large fries.
All-knowing robots are not inevitable, and other lessons on AI use in policing
The Toronto Police Services Board (TPSB) recently approved a policy for use of AI technology in policing, which researchers believe is the first in Canada.
Reduce ADHD with more parks, less pollution
A study conducted in Metro Vancouver finds that the more green space and less air pollution children have in their neighbourhoods, the less likely they are to develop attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Bees are explosively ejaculating to death. A polystyrene cover could help stop it.
A simple polystyrene cover could help cool beehives during heat waves, preventing a grim outcome for male bees.
Male bees can’t hack extreme stress like females can
It turns out, male bees can’t hack extreme stress like females can.
Your Google symptom searches could improve COVID modelling
Adding Google searches for symptoms and other information to COVID forecast models increased their accuracy, recent UBC research has found.