UBC experts on the U.S. presidential election and debate
The two leading candidates for next president of the U.S—current Vice-President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump—will debate each other for the first time on Tuesday evening ahead of the Nov. 5 election. UBC experts are available to comment.
Prof. Irene Bloemraad, PhD
President’s Excellence Chair in Global Migration, Dept. of Political Science, Dept. of Sociology
Email: i.bloemraad@ubc.ca
Interview languages: English, French
- immigration
- asylum
- border control
- citizenship policy/politics
- voting among immigrant-origin Americans
*unavailable Monday or Nov. 13-17
Dr. Holly Caggiano, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Community and Regional Planning
Email: holly.caggiano@ubc.ca
Interview languages: English
- U.S. climate policy
- energy transitions politics
*unavailable Thursday morning

Dr. Max Cameron, PhD
Professor, Dept. of Political Science
phone: 604-822-3129
mobile: 604-786-0992
Email: max.cameron@ubc.ca
Interview languages: English
- state of U.S. democracy
- U.S. and Latin America
*unavailable Tuesday mornings

Prof. Terri Givens, PhD
Professor, Dept. of Political Science
Phone: 514-668-4576
Email: terri.givens@ubc.ca
Interview languages: English
- race
- gender
- politics
- elections
- radical right
- United States
- African-American issues
* Dr. Givens is unavailable for interviews but will participate in an online post-election panel discussion to be presented Nov. 7 by alumni UBC and UBC Faculty of Arts.

Dr. Stewart Prest, PhD
Lecturer, Dept. of Political Science
Email: stewart.prest@ubc.ca
Interview languages: English
- political institutions
- democracy
- Canadian foreign policy
- international relations

Dr. Paul Quirk
Professor, Dept. of Political Science
phone: 604-822-2230
Email: quirk@politics.ubc.ca
Interview languages: English
- U.S. politics
- Congress
- presidency
- U.S. elections
Ingrid Söchting
Clinical Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry
phone: 604-822-1958
Email: isochting@psych.ubc.ca
Interview languages: Danish, English
- how to manage election stress and anxiety
- common mental health problems
Dr. Chris Tenove
Research Associate and Instructor, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
Email: cjtenove@mail.ubc.ca
Interview languages: English
- effects of social media, online harassment and generative AI on elections

Prof. Heidi Tworek
Associate Professor, Dept. of History, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
phone: 617-905-2321
Email: heidi.tworek@ubc.ca
Interview languages: English
- effects of social media, online harassment and generative AI on elections