ICBIC conference held on UBC campus

The 2011 International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC) marks the “Jade Anniversary” of the initial international bioinorganic conference held on the UBC campus, in June 1976.  The conference is hosted by Chris Orvig, professor of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pierre Kennepohl, assistant professor with the Dept. of Chemistry and his local organizing committee. 

The conference draws more than 750 delegates from all over the world with majority of them staying on campus at the West Coast Suites, Walter Gage Residence and Marine Drive Residence.   

ICBIC facilitates scientific exchange of traditional bioinorganic subjects, metal-protein assemblies, nano-biomaterials as well as bio-inspired architectures. 

For more information visit: http://icbic15.ubcconferences.com/