UBC geneticist wins UBC Library award for research dissemination

UBC geneticist David Ng is the 2014 recipient of UBC Library’s Innovative Dissemination of Research Award, which honours UBC faculty, staff and students who find unique ways to share research through the creative use of new tools and technologies. A director of the Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory at UBC’s Michael Smith Laboratories, Ng won the prize for Phylo, a trading card game with a biodiversity twist and crowdsourced content.
Phylo launched in 2010 and now has nearly 450 cards on its website, with artwork and design from numerous contributors. The game has been widely distributed through collaborations with elementary school classes in the Lower Mainland, the American Museum of Natural History and UBC’s Beaty Biodiversity Museum.

Ng will receive a $2,000 cash prize, a framed certificate, and will be formally recognized at a UBC research awards reception in March. For more information, visit UBC Library’s site.